Back in the day, people would make a song and dance out of turning 40 years. They would hold a thanksgiving service and thereafter throw a big party. They celebrant would take a family portrait flanked by spouse and kids – akin to the Christian saying, “your children surround your table”. They would enlarge the photo, frame it and display it in their living rooms for posterity. And their friends would come wine and dine with them and often hail, ‘life begins at 40!”
But times have
changed. Today, cancer and HBP are stealing away many in their prime. Today, most forty year olds feel they haven’t accomplished
anything and really have nothing to celebrate – they don’t own plots of lands
let alone a building or their businesses. Today, lots of 40 year olds don’t have
10 year old kids to show-off because people marry late and more so, some
eligible singles are happily homosexual.