Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Counting my blessings!

May is upon me already and I failed once again by letting a whole month go by without making time out for my Blog.

 I really want to do this more seriously. I have thoughts race through my mind all the time and I want to share them very much, but by the time I’m done with my 8-5 job, deal with Lagos traffic and black-out, I am hardly ever able to settle down to Blog. I do hope that someday, I will have time to do this more diligently perhaps like Linda Ikeji or even Mr Mo.

 It’s the day after workers' day and as I lay in bed thinking, I realise that there’s a lot to talk about but today, I choose to count my blessings. 

 I choose to be thankful, as I reminisce and remember that I lost a colleague 4 days ago.

I look at the past 10 years of my career and I am grateful for being alive and in good health. Over the course of my career, I have met colleagues who helped to shape me, I have smiled with several and grieved at the passing at some so beloved.

From being a lady who owned only one pair of black suede court shoes to one who owns scores of shoes; I am thankful.
For the bosses that gave me a chance, and for the difficult bosses alike, I say thank you.

I am grateful for the joys and the pains; the exposures and the setbacks. I have seen several restructuring and downsizing exercises but I have been favoured enough to escape them. 

I made friends - some good, some bad. Some have cheated and taken advantage of me but some have been truly kind, and I am thankful.

Today, I just want to say thank you Lord!

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